Ticketed Spaces is coming to Twitter – But it’s not for everyone at least for now Twitter logo

Ticketed Spaces is coming to Twitter - But it's not for everyone at least for now Twitter logo
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Twitter’s Spaces feature is soon gaining a paid service that will allow users to sell tickets for certain spaces at a fee.

Spaces was announced back in December of 2020, and since then has gradually become a feature that many have used for roundtable chats, podcasts and interviews that can be accessed from those who have Twitter installed on their iPhone or Android device.

Since it was opened up to users who have more than 600 followers, Twitter has now begun to launch the next stage of the feature; to have exclusive Spaces that are only available to those who have bought access to it.

With Clubhouse being the clear rival here, there’s a great opportunity for Twitter to spur more conversation from users who have been tweeting about a certain topic.

What are Ticketed Spaces?

After announcing Spaces in December and TipJar in May, Twitter is looking to expand their reach to users without straying too far from what the service is all about.

While you can currently join in to a conversation and volunteer to speak, there aren’t exclusive Spaces that are limited to a chosen few. This is where Ticketed Spaces come in.

It’s similar to buying a ticket for a Q&A at your nearest venue; you gain access to a Ticketed Space and you can listen for however long you choose to.

Hosts can set any price they wish, with 20% of the cost going directly to Twitter, similar to the 70/30 split that Apple has for its App Store revenue share.

How can I join?

The premium service is still being kept under wraps by Twitter for now, but we suspect that it won’t be long, mainly due to how fast Spaces began, from a closed test, to being made available to anyone who has over 600 followers.

Spaces is a great way to listen in to conversations from people you follow, to famous content creators and influencers. It helps narrow that link between you and them – more so if they let you ask a question within a Spaces room as well.

This will be further strengthened by Ticketed Spaces; with Instagram Live and even Zoom in the last year showcasing remote events, Twitter’s take on exclusive audio events could even help podcasters in strengthening their outreach, especially if topics are sudden reactions to breaking news.

Via Business Insider


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