The show runs until July 25 at ATTA ‘N’ ATTA Art Space at Warehouse 30.
One year after his last residency at TARS Gallery, French painter Yann Lacroix is exhibiting his work in Bangkok at ATTA ‘N’ ATTA Art Space, located at Warehouse 30 on the city’s riverfront. The paintings will be displayed until July 25.
Lacroix’s paintings feature familiar and lush landscapes inhabited by exotic vegetation, tropical greenhouses and swimming pools. Their lack of human presence evokes the idea of a lost paradise, paradoxical to our push for the creation of artificial spaces.
STILL THERE, a diptych painting of 260 x 380 cm, is shown in a display created as an installation made of polycarbonate, a material familiar to greenhouses structures. This installation aims to enhance the audience’s immersive experience. The garden depicted in the painting invites us to escape as voyeurs into this constructed utopic space.
Since last year, sales of indoor plants have grown remarkably. Our need to escape during lockdown was clearly expressed through our need to surround ourselves with nature. Indoor gardening reveals our natural connection with the outside world. Lacroix’s paintings are representations of his own constructed language influenced by his memories and observations of this outside world.
As part of STILL THERE, other works representing constructed landscapes are also being displayed. For more information on the show, please visit TARS Gallery or ATTA ‘N’ ATTA Art Space.