Kim Dotcom is ‘not giving an inch’ after sentencing of two Megaupload execs

Kim Dotcom is ‘not giving an inch’ after sentencing of two Megaupload execs
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Dotcom tweeted about the convictions on Thursday, saying the light sentences two men got off easy because they are pinning the blame on him, adding that they “will make terrible witnesses for the US Govt.”

Megaupload, which was a file-sharing site, has been gone for over 10 years, since the US Department of Justice seized its assets and charged several executives, including Kim Dotcom, with a host of criminal charges including racketeering, money laundering, and conspiracy to commit various crimes.

In December 2013, the US Department of Justice published 191 pages of evidence against Dotcom and Megaupload, with its investigation finding that the site had made more than $175 million in membership and ad revenue.


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